"*" indicates required fields

2025 Candia Baseball Registration

NOTE: All ages listed are as of August 31, 2025

Little League (Player Pitch)
Majors/AAA/AA -- Ages 8-12
Registration Deadline: March 16
Majors and AAA Evaluations March 16 1p-4p
AA evaluation is TBD
Cost: $130

Little League (Coach Pitch)
Single A -- Ages 7-8
Registration Deadline: March 16
Cost: $105

Advanced T-ball: 6 yr olds - two sessions per week
Beginning T-ball: 4 and 5 year olds - one session per week
Registration Deadline: March 16
Cost: Advanced - $80 / Beginner - $55
Program Dates: May 3rd thru June 7th (no May 24th).

Both Beginner and Advanced will meet on Saturday mornings. The second Advanced session is a weekday evening TBD.
New T-ball Volunteers needed! We have several roles with varying time commitments.


Check the information on the Baseball/Softball main page (from the CYAA homepage click "Sports" and select "Youth Baseball/Softball" from the drop down menu). It will help with your division selection.

Contact the director for assistance or to answer questions.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill in all required fields, and then click the "Submit Form" button.

Player Information



DIVISION INFORMATION - Please select the age appropriate division.

Your child's official Little League age is based on his/her age on AUGUST 31, 2025, which means it is often different that his/her current actual age.

General Guidelines, based on "LEAGUE AGE":

NOTE: All divisions are open to both Boys and Girls

Majors - Ages 11-12
AAA Minors - Ages 9-11
AA Minors - Ages 8-9 (Player Pitch)
Single A - Ages 7-8 (Coach Pitch)
Advanced T-Ball - Age 6
Beginning T-Ball - Ages 4-5

*** Lamprey River Little League waivers are required to play in an age group lower than outlined in the guidelines ***

11 year-olds typically play Majors but may play AAA.

10 year-olds typically play AAA but may play AA and will be considered for Majors upon request.

9 year olds typically play AA but may attend evaluations to be considered for AAA.

8 year olds typically play AA but may play Single A

7 year-olds typically play Single A but may attend evaluations in order to be considered for AA.




NOTE: VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Contact Jamie Cote at baseball@cyaasports.com for questions or more information.



I/We, the parents/guardians of the above-named candidate for a position on a CYAA baseball team, hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all CYAA baseball activities, including transportation to and from the activities.

I/We know that participation in baseball may result in serious injuries and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the local League, Candia Youth Athletic Association, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities from any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause.

I/We agree to return upon request the uniform and other equipment issued to my/our child in as good conditions as when received except normal wear and tear.

I/We agree that our child (candidate) if between the ages of 8-16 will be required to participate in player evaluations. If such does not attend player evaluations, the CYAA Baseball Director's approval is required for such candidate to be placed on a team. I/We agree that candidates who have reached league age 12 will automatically be placed on a Majors baseball team.

I/We agree to provide proof of legal residence (as defined by the local league) and age. I/We understand that our child (candidate) must be eligible under the residence and age regulations of the Local League, to participate in this Local League, and that if any controversy arises regarding residence and/or age, the decision of the Local League and/or it's national organization shall be final and binding.

I/We further understand that if any participant on a team does not qualify for participation in the league based on residence and/or age, such participant and/or team on which he/she participates be found ineligible, and forfeit(s) and/or suspension of Tournament privileges may be decreed by action of the Charter Committee or Tournament Committee.

I/We will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above-named candidate to League Officials.

I/We agree that we have read, understand, and will abide by the CYAA Code Of Conduct policy available at:

CYAA Code Of Conduct Policy.

I/we agree with the above **
Select Fee*
We offer a $15 discount for families. For the first registration pay full price. For the second and any subsequent registrations enter "FAMILY15" to receive your discount.